My Story

Hello, I’m Dayna Hines

I’m originally from Northern California. I’ve always loved Northern California for its diversity, its weather, and its heart. My intention is to one day return home, but for now, I wander, I ponder, and I write.

I love traveling and experiencing other cultures and other ways of being. I also love diving deep into research about topics that pique my interest. I’m constantly seeking information to further understand the world and my place in it.

I’m a researcher and a problem solver at heart. I truly believe that the only way we will ever begin to find solutions to the challenges that we - as a collective - face, is to understand them from as many different perspectives as possible.

What if we can create a world that works for everyone through deeper listening and authentic dialogue?

What if we’re not as different as we might think or as we are often led to believe?

What if, instead of making assumptions about people, we seek to understand their life experiences and perspectives?

Then, from that space we create the possibility of understanding, transformation, and unity.

These are just a few of the questions I often ponder. This blog is a place where I’ll explore how we can transform existing systems or build new systems in order to create a world where all can thrive; people, animals, and planet.

We are all connected.
